Goju Kyo Kai
Martial Arts


In the links at left are historical documents that are directly influential to GKK, martial arts, and the budo spirit in general. Classics such as "The 47 Ronin" are available as individual books (Amazon Link) and movies (Amazon Link). (Not the Keanu Reeves science fiction thriller.)

History brings context to techniques and kata. The events surrounding the development of a martial art are integral to the application of its techniques and strategies. Choki Motobu's sparring routines were directly derived from the most common types of attacks that were prevalent during his life. (1870 - 1944) Kata were designed for building the physical and mental aspects required for defending oneself (or others). The principles in kata do not change much as the rudimentary types of physical assault have not changed. The application of traditional forms to new forms of aggression is a valid and worthwhile endeavor.