The Uniform

Master Gichin Funakoshi’s 20 Precepts Shōtō Niju Kun

Originally posted on September 12, 2012 on Wikipedia

Master Gichin Funakoshi was born in 1868 in Okinawa and at the age of 11, began to study karate. He practiced hard and rapidly became good at both the Shorin and Shorei styles.

Master Funakoshi died in April of 1957 and has the words “Karate ni sente nashi” or “There is no first attack in Karate”, engraved on his gravestone.

Master Funakoshi’s pen name was ‘Shoto’ meaning pine waves and ‘Kan’ meaning hall or building. So after his death, his students used the name Shotokan in his honour, today Shotokan karate is one of the most popular martial styles in the world.

The precepts are not numbered or ordered; each begins with hitotsu meaning "one" or "first" to show that each rule has the same level of importance as the others.